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All fields are required, except where noted.
Arts Center takes your privacy seriously. For further information on Arts Center's privacy practices, see Arts Center's Privacy Policy.

Whitelist our email address

follow the steps below to ensure our emails won't be accidentally blocked.
  1. Login to Gmail, click on the gear icon and select Settings.
  2. Select Filters and blocked addresses.
  3. Scroll past all your existing filters and select Create a new filter.
  4. Add to the From field.
  5. Check the Never send to spam box and click Create filter.
  1. Login to Yahoo! Mail and select Settings via the gear icon.
  2. Scroll down the menu and select More Settings.
  3. In the left-hand menu select Filters.
  4. Select Add new filters.
  5. Type a name for your filter.
  6. Under Set rules, select From as the rule and contains as the criterion for the filter.
  7. Input
  8. Under Choose a folder to move to select Inbox and click Save.
  1. Check that you are using the web version of Outlook.
  2. Select Settings via the gear icon.
  3. Scroll down and select Mail.
  4. Select Block or Allow from the Options menu, under Mail > Accounts.
  5. Within the Safe Senders and Recipents field, click the + button.
  6. Input